How Stretching Changed My Life: My Brand New Book is Out!!

Loud scream!! I can’t believe it but I did it! I published another book whilst still travelling and working at sea titled :How Stretching Changed My Life: The Ultimate Guide to Stretching!! I felt the need to get this book out to the world because stretching has truly changed my life. I go into more … Continue reading How Stretching Changed My Life: My Brand New Book is Out!!

Easy ABC to Exercise!

In my line of work, before and during travel – my main goal is to inspire and motivate people to become healthier. For me, the least important thing in your journey is how you look on the outside. Of course, we all want to look good on the external, but focusing on being healthy from … Continue reading Easy ABC to Exercise!

Welcome to my blog!

Hi everyone! Welcome to my blog and thank you for visiting! You will enjoy this blog if you’re looking to learn more about unique places to travel around the world; easy health/fitness and fashion tips whilst travelling. I also talk about my phenomenal physical, emotional, mental and spiritual transitions on this journey, which I think … Continue reading Welcome to my blog!